This Graveyard Database is designed to enable visitors to easily locate specific headstones.
For ease of locating a headstone the churchyard has been divided into two areas North (uphill) and South (downhill) of the church. Each area has been subdivided into Rows; the Row numbering starts in the East with Row 1and runs West. The Headstone numbers within the rows runs from North to South.
The following link gives access to the Headstone database that details the headstones sorted alphabetically on Surname. To locate a headstone simply look for the required Surname then copy down the headstone location (North/South, Row and Grave No.)
There is a Graveyard Key located in the Church - unfortunately the pdf of the Key is too large for our website.
If you found this Headstone locator useful please consider supporting our Church by placing a donation the box provided in the church.
We hope you enjoy your visit to St Paul’s Healey.